2024 Survey Logistics | 2024 CLS Website NCLS Research
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Welcome to the 2024 Survey Logistics website

Log in to review and update local church listings or order survey forms.

This site supports the logistics of the 2024 Church Life Survey (2024 CLS).

It is for NCLS Regional Co-ordinators and local church leaders or administrators to update church details and order survey forms.

For NCLS Regional Co-ordinators

NCLS Regional Co-ordinators form a network that is vital for the success and value of the 2024 CLS. Participating denominations identify a national, state or regional (e.g. diocesan) contact person for NCLS Research and churches to liaise with.

NCLS Regional Co-ordinators may also delegate logistical tasks to others. Please contact nclsliaison@ncls.org.au to arrange for additional administrators to be given access.

Download the user guide

For Local Church Leaders and Administrators

In general, local churches will first be directed to their NCLS Regional Co-ordinator.

View NCLS Regional Co-ordinators.

However, if needed, local churches can also provide information directly to the NCLS Research office about their interest in running a 2024 CLS with their contact details and survey form orders.